Jul 23, 2007

Well I made eggrolls today. They turned out really good. Here is the recipe I use.
Soy Sauce
Baking Soda
2 Chicken Breasts
2 Nappa Cabbage
2 Cans of Bean Sprouts
2 Cans of mushrooms
Egg roll wrappers (you will need to get two but will only use half of the 2nd package)
For the paste:
Soy Sauce
Baking soda
You boil down two nappa cabbages and while you are doing that you cook two chicken breasts that you cut up into cubes.
Then you mix the cabbage, chicken, 2 cans of bean sprouts, 2 cans of mushrooms. And add the paste boil until thick, if it does not thicken add water and cornstarch.
After it is all mixed up, lay on eggroll wrappers and roll up, deep fry until golden brown and Enjoy.

Jul 16, 2007

Well today is Monday and laundry day . I can not say I enjoy Mondays. Laundry is not the most fun thing in my life. I can not wait to be finished with it.

Jul 15, 2007

This is my little brother Mark and his wife Joann. Mark jut koined the Army. Please keep him in your prayers. He is stationed in Ft. Hood. He is in the Pratriot Unit.

Jul 10, 2007

Here are some pictures of my cats. The bigger one is named Tom. He is almost 3 know. and the smaller one is Theo, he is only 4 mo. We got Tom in October because the doctor recommended me to get an animal such as a dog or a cat. And living in an apartment wecould not have a dog. And my huband actually reall wanted Theo. They are so smart and funny to watch. Michael likes them alot also. It gives him responsiblility.

Jul 5, 2007

On the 4th of July we went to Long Beach, Washington. This was the first time I was at the ocean.
We had so much fun. There were so many people. And lots and lots of fireworks.
I would love to go again but this time take my husband. My husband stayed home.
Michael and I went with Charlie and Sue Ann Granger. They are our neighbours and friends from church. We had ice cream which was delicious. The sunset was unbeliebable. Michael had so much fun.
Michael at long beach
Personalized Glitter Graphics

Jul 3, 2007

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Hi I thought I would wish everybody that would stumble across my blogs a happy 4th of July. Be Safe, But Have Fun.