I Love being a mother. My Son was born Jan. 14, 1998. And we have had a wonderful realtionship. I love the idea of someone looking up to me. I always told myself that I wanted to be a nurse, a teacher, and alot of other things. I havefound out ecspecially know that I am homeschooling Michael, that I am everything I have ever wanted to be.
Homeschooling is a challenge but to me is worth it. I use Christian Liberty Academy, they have a wonderful curriculm. They have a Bible course that my son loves. Because there is stucture behind learning what the Bible has to say. Ths year heis in 3rd grade and my husband has told me that he is going to help out this year.
Know Iam not trying to say that beng a mother is all easy, it is not. But there are more rewards than anything.