Jan 6, 2008

Well someone nicely pointed out that my posts are behind. Well lets see the newest thing that is going on....
I have just taken vista off of my computer and put on windows xp. It took four hours last night and I am still not done putting on all of our programs. I was so ready to chuck it out of the window last night and just be done with it. But so far so good things look and run a whole lot better.
I did forget to put all my pictures on cd so I lost some of those but not to worry. I know there is a way somehow to get them all back.

I will let you all know how things go.


Chica said...

Hi....this is someone, thanks for updating. Have you been by my blog yet ???

Bless ya Sis,

Dawn said...

My mom's laptop came with Vista. She hasn't had any problems with it. What made you go back to XP? For some reason my husband hates Vista too and I just don't know why :-)

God Bless your week!


P.S. Happy New Year!!!!

British Lady said...

well it was running slow and all the programs we would use were not working wth vista.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sis, I'm not entirely happy with Vista either....