This is Sally our Amazon Parrot. She is a momma's girl.

This is zaphod, our cockatiel.

In this picture is gizmo, our green cheek conure. which is near the top and Ali our ringneck parakeet.

Angel, our Goffin Cockatoo.

And Buddy our Blue and Gold Macaw.
Wow, cute! Do the parrot or macaw say things? We used to have a cockatiel identical to yours, and now my mom has him! Ours could say his name, and learned different whistles....
Yes they do, the macaw is only a year old so he is still learning. The Amazon is older and she can talk up a storm. The cockatoo and the cockatiel both say hello, I love you and hey.
These are some really good pics of the birdie folk!
I can't get over how young Buddy looks in this pic. He still looks like a baby.
3 more months and Alex will be a year old...
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